Jesus in your eyes

This is one of my most precious memories so far out on the mission field. It was a monumental moment of trust being built with God and His intervention for the sake of protection. I wish I had written this down or recorded it straight after so that I could remember the details more clearly, but this is as far as I remember it happening right now.

I was in a village about half way between Nairobi and Mombasa, Kenya. My host had dropped me off at a bus stop with all of my belongings: my suitcase, mini guitar, camera, laptop…

Rewind a few weeks prior, and I’m sifting down my belongings to around 2-4 boxes to leave with my cousin, and the suitcase I would bring with me into Africa. Other than what was with me at that bus stop, were some clothes and a few items of treasured childhood memories.

Back to the bus stop. I was there with what I owned of most monetary value piled up in front of me, in a semi-remote village. Exactly what everyone tells you not to do when heading into Africa by yourself. Which is why I held on to the testimony for a while before sharing it with loved ones, who were already a bit shaken by my whereabouts. My host had driven the car back to his house, to then walk back to the bus stop.

As I waited, in the corner of my eye I saw a man waddling towards me. From what I could see and discern he seemed to potentially have a mental health condition and/or a few demonic spirits that seemed to enjoy his company. My thoughts were probably something like: oh, no… (exhale). And I began connecting with the Father.

As the man arrived within a few metres of me, his destination was confirmed. I put my head down and connected with Jesus. I asked, give me Your love for him. As the man stopped in front of me and greeted me, my head still bowed, I breathed in deeper, as if imagining the love of Jesus was filling me deeper for who this man is to Him. The love that Abba has for him. And He was faithful.

I looked up and into the man’s eyes with a big smile on my face and said a heart felt, warm, “hello, how are you?”. As far as I remember, this is when he jumped back two or three steps, his countenance changed, joy filled and flowed from him like light filling a radiant lamp, and he said, “Jesus”, “Jesus”, “Jesus!”. I was in shock and delight! I responded, “Yes, Jesus!”

We began a short conversation, I believe, beginning with me affirming how much Jesus loves him. However, within a few seconds, the people around who seemed to recognize him came to intervene. A man threatened him and told him to leave me alone. They took their discussion a little further away as I prayed for peace, and they soon broke off and went in opposite directions.

Waow. What just happened?

A man saw Jesus. God came through. He didn’t only protect me, He showed His face in a fresh way and loved the man who seemed to be the most rejected on that road side, at least as far as I could see within that half hour. And His love for him hasn’t stopped. As His love for the one he will lead you to tomorrow, or led you to last week. Or the many He may lead you to today. His love is overflowing for the people around us, these precious people who He longs to call His own.

Father, I pray that Your love beyond measure and the truth of Your adoption deepens within us. I pray that the people around us are able to know Your divine and loving fatherly nature more as they come in contact with us. Daddy, may we know You more deeply every day, and invite You in that we may be fully known.